Why do you need Anti Snap Locks for UVPC Doors now?

Burglars have recently developed a simple way to gain entry to old style UVPC, Composite or Aluminium doors.

Any of these door types with old Euro Profile door locks fitted are being targeted by Burglars as easy access points.

By simply "snapping" or breaking the lock cylinder at its weakest point burglars are able to manipulate and manoeuvre the lock into opening.

No tools or specialist knowledge is required by the burglar to carry out this method of entry.

Because the profile cylinder type lock operates all of the doors multi locking system points, once the cylinder is disabled security is compromised because the door is easily opened.

This type of security breach is not limited to homes it can also affect any type of premises or business that are using the old style Euro Profile Cylinder Locks to secure doors.


Burglary - Preventative Action


Your Anti-Snap lock should have either a "British Kite" mark or 3 stars mark on the front surface. If you are not sure ask a reputable Locksmith to check for you.


The manufacturers of Euro Profile Cylinders have now developed a new higher Security "Anti Snap" Cylinders to replace the old style Euro Profile Cylinder.

Replace any euro profile locks on old UVP, Aluminium or Composite doors as soon as possible.

Make sure your main access front or back doors or premises doors have British Standard Anti Snap cylinder locks fitted as soon as possible.

Any purchase should advise Diamond Standard SS312 and be described as Anti-Snap, not just Anti-Bump or Anti-Pick.

Peace of mind is not a huge financial commitment

The supply and fitting of a British Standard Anti Snap Euro Profile lock costs about £60 and including the Master Locksmiths labour the total for this type of work for one door should cost around £120+vat.

(Price example subject to regional variation and accurate at the time the blog was posted)

Use a Locksmith who is a member of the Master Locksmiths Association

Locksmith MLA Members are regulated by a strict code of conduct regarding their professional standards. Alternatively ask your Locksmith if they can provide references or if they have DBS Security clearance.

Don’t rely on a supplier or manufacturer's promise that a lock is anti-snap or snap resistance

You should always look for third party approval to confirm a product’s performance. To ensure you get a suitably protective Anti Snap lock fitted rather than a cheap pretender always use a Master Locksmith (MLA) Member to provide and fit a replacement Anti-Snap lock.


Ensure that the replacement lock is:

a) The correct size

B) Fitted to the door correctly

The lock size and competence of fitting is critical to the effectiveness of the anti snap lock. Any shortcut in fitting or lock type may lead to the new style lock being ineffective.

If required contact your local Master Locksmith Association (MLA) member for further advice.

Best Regards,

Neil Meaden-Johnson

Owner / Central Locksmiths Ltd (Birmingham)

  • I'm a member of the Master Locksmiths Association

  • We undertake work for West Midlands Police



Central Locksmiths Ltd | 0121 359 4988-

Email: centrallocksmiths@virginmedia.com

Tel: 0121 359 4988 / 07860455171

Website: www.centrallocksmiths.net
